model: hymdatafile: data/hym/Hymenoptera.28S.0.00.Nex
stem index file: data/hym/Hymenoptera_28S_index.txt
generated with jrna version: 0.822
Totals total taxa: 84
total interleaves: 6
total blocks: 103
total bracketed blocks: 29
total unbracketed blocks: 74
total bracketed chars: 307
total unbracketed chars: 487
total chars: 794
longest bracketed block: 30
total blocks defined as helicies: 50
total length of defined non-helicies: 371
total five-prime strands: 25
total three-prime strands: 25
total complete helices: 25
total complete pairs in blocks defined as helices: 146
0 - Trichilogaster
1 - Orthogonalys
2 - Xestophanes
3 - Lycogaster
4 - Aphanogmus
5 - Ceraphron247
6 - Ceraphron250
7 - Eusandalum
8 - Helorus93
9 - Gonatocerus
10 - Pteromalus
11 - Basalys
12 - Diphoropria65
13 - Vanhornia
14 - Diphoropria229
15 - Sparasion
16 - Spilomicrus231
17 - Spilomicrus66
18 - Betylinae228
19 - Pelecinus
20 - Exallonyx
21 - Codrus
22 - Apoglypha
23 - Maaminga
24 - Encarsia
25 - Venturia
26 - Aphytis
27 - Brachymeria
28 - Leptomastix
29 - Aclista227
30 - Helorus88
31 - Hartigia
32 - Ichneumon
33 - Melittobia
34 - Ibalia
35 - Conostigmus
36 - Dendrocerus
37 - Gasteruption248
38 - Gasteruption19
39 - Megalyra69
40 - Megalyra157
41 - Aclista226
42 - Sceliphron
43 - Megischus147
44 - Xiphydria
45 - Megastigmus
46 - Allotropa
47 - Eufonus
48 - Disogmus
49 - Megischus39
50 - Anachris
51 - Schlettererius
52 - Poecilogonalos
53 - Bombus
54 - Baryconus
55 - Ceratobaeus
56 - Scelio
57 - Trimorus
58 - Trissolcus
59 - Inostemma
60 - Monomachus223
61 - Ascogaster
62 - Dolopsidea
63 - Aphanomerus
64 - Orussus
65 - Brachyserphus
66 - Amitus
67 - Ropronia
68 - Miropotes
69 - Neoneurus
70 - Sigalphus
71 - Toxoneuron
72 - Diospilus
73 - Rhagigaster
74 - Myrmecia
75 - Vespula
76 - derv002
77 - derv026
78 - derv001
79 - dowton2
80 - derv020
81 - derv043
82 - dowton253
83 - derv047
[0] Block_1 : 28S_Core+D2 |bc|mx|cc|st|bpf|Blocks: (0..5)
[1] Block_2 : 28S-D2_helix-2 |bc|mx|cc|st|bpf|Blocks: (6..29)
[2] Block_2 : 28S-D2_helix-3-1 |bc|mx|cc|st|bpf|Blocks: (30..54)
[3] Block_3 : 28S-D2_helix-3-2 |bc|mx|cc|st|bpf|Blocks: (55..64)
[4] Block_5 : 28S-D2 |bc|mx|cc|st|bpf|Blocks: (65..92)
[5] Block_6 : 28S-D2+Core |bc|mx|cc|st|bpf|Blocks: (93..102)